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Mastoidectomy Surgery
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Mastoidectomy Surgery In India

Are you having a constant discharge from the ear? Frequent colds? Ear pain and difficulty hearing: You may need the help of an Mastoidectomy Surgery In India to handle this problem. These are signs of a chronic ear infection that has become more complicated over time, causing an infection in what is known as the Mastoid cavity. The mastoid cavity is an area behind the ear that is made up of small bony compartments called air cells, and infection of that area can give rise to these signs and symptoms. They require the urgent attention of an ENT surgeon for a treatment procedure called Mastoidectomy and to prevent further complications. Medintu is here to help you connect with the best ENT surgeons in the country.

What is Mastoidectomy?

Mastoidectomy removes the air cells in the mastoid bone, which is a part of the temporal bone and lies behind and below the ear. This helps drain any chronic infection in the mastoid cavity and helps heal the diseased lining of the mastoid cavity. It can be performed in various ways, including the open approach or the endoscopic approach, which is less invasive, depending on the characteristics of the particular case. The mastoid cavity contains several vital structures, so a mastoidectomy is a very delicate surgery that needs to be done by expert ENT surgeons. It can also help prevent complications and damage to these critical structures.

Why Choose Medintu?

Medintu is one of the best online service platforms specialising in home-based care and delivering quality healthcare at affordable prices. We offer all kinds of medical services, such as online doctor consultations, diagnostics, offline doctor appointments, and medical equipment rental. Home-based sample collection services in major metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune, and Delhi, among several others, provide the best health care.

We are connected with the country’s best ear, nose, and throat surgeons with years of experience in skillful and delicate mastoidectomy surgery with high success rates. Medintu is here to help you get your mastoidectomy surgery done by the most capable ENT surgeons in hospitals with state-of-the-art technology for minimally invasive surgery. Book your appointment with Medintu today.

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When should I get Mastoidectomy Surgery done?

A mastoidectomy surgery can be beneficial if you are suffering from any of the following conditions:
1.A prolonged or chronic infection of the ear,this can be due to infections that are nonresponsive to antibiotics, leading to chronic discharge and flare-ups.
2.A growth in the ear called the cholesteatoma grows and causes destruction in the ear cavity.
3.To excise tumours or other benign growths.
4.To repair hearing loss caused by prolonged and chronic infections.
5.Recurrent infections in the same ear.
6.Abcess in the mastoid cavity.

What are the complications of Mastoidectomy?

Mastoidectomy is a major surgery and can lead to certain complications, such as:

  1. Hearing loss due to damage to the bones involved in hearing, the tympanic membrane, or the auditory nerve. The degree of damage to hearing and the reversibility of hearing loss vary from case to case.
  2. Infection of the surgical site or the ear is also possible. It can be prevented with proper antibiotic dosage.
  3. Tinnitus or ringing sensation in the ear
  4. Balance problems as a result of damage to inner ear structures or canals
  5. Leak of CSF in the surgical area due to damage to the dura
  6. Scarring of the ear canal leading to hearing problems
  7. Recurrence of the disease because of which surgery was done.
  8. Pain after surgery, which can be managed with pain medications.
  9. Psychological distress post-surgery

How do I prepare for Mastoidectomy?

Once the doctor suggests mastoidectomy surgery, you can use the following tips to prepare for your mastoid surgery, such as:

  1. Follow up with a doctor for further tests and evaluation.
  2. Get a basic blood workup done as prescribed by the doctor.
  3. Get an x-ray of the mastoid region and a CT mastoid done if prescribed by a doctor.
  4. Eat healthy meals and keep your blood sugar under control if you have diabetes.
  5. Take your medications regularly for other hormonal imbalances and comorbidities, such as hypertension.
  6. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol at least 4-6 weeks before surgery.
  7. Discuss all your allergies and current medications with the doctor.
  8. Ask questions about the surgery and recovery, make an informed decision, and sign the consent for surgery.
  9. Check with your insurance company to see if they will cover the expenditure.
  10. Get support from your friends and family for help during the operation and after the operation for mental support and recovery.

How do I recover from Mastoid Cavity?

Recovery from mastoid cavity is time-consuming, and the following steps may help you recover better.
1.Taking prescribed medications on time.
2.Following the doctor’s instructions.
3.Going for regular follow-ups.
4.Eating a healthy diet.
5.Keeping the surgical site clean while avoiding the entry of water into the ear.
6.Doing gentle exercise and not straining yourself.
7.Keep your head elevated while sleeping to prevent swelling.
8.If there is any hearing loss, talk to your doctor about hearing aids and rehabilitation.

recovery from mastoid surgery

What are the types of Mastoidectomy Operation?

There are several techniques to prepare for mastoidectomy based on the approach, the objective, and the complexity of the case. Some of them are as follows:

  1. Simple Mastoidectomy: It involves removing the mastoid bone’s cortex to clear the infection.
  2. Radical Mastoidectomy: it is more invasive and involves the removal of the air cells as well as the cortex of the bone in widely spread diseases such as cholesteatoma and is done in cases where hearing cannot be repaired.
  3. Modified Radical mastoidectomy: It is similar to radical mastoidectomy, except hearing is preserved.
  4. Tympanomastoidectomy: in this surgery, the tympanic membrane is reconstructed, and mastoidectomy is also done.
  5. Atticotomy: In this surgery, only the upper part of the mastoid, called the attic, is removed.
  6. Canal Wall-Down Mastoidectomy: in this surgery, the posterior part of the ear canal is removed to get better access to the mastoid cavity.


Usually, mastoid surgery may take 2-4 hours, but it may take longer in some complicated cases and with additional procedures.

A full recovery from a mastoidectomy operation can take up to months, provided the best post-operative care and good patient compliance. However, you can start returning to normal activities within a few weeks. Do not engage in strenuous exercise in that period.

The degree of hearing recovery will depend on the type of surgery done and can be improved with the help of hearing rehabilitation and, for some people, with the help of hearing aids.

The cost of dental bracing in India is anywhere from 30,000 to 1,00,000 rupees based on the severity of the misalignment, type of brace used, duration of treatment, the clinic, and the city.

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Plot 470 & 471, Northeast Avenue Building 1st-floor,Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081


+919100907036, +919100907622

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Plot 470 & 471, Northeast Avenue Building 1st-floor,Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081


+919100907036, +919100907622