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Blood Urea Nitrogen Test
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Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)Test at Home

Are you suffering from liver or chronic kidney diseases, and your symptoms are getting worse? You might have to get your blood urea and nitrogen levels tested. Get affordable and accurate blood urea and nitrogen tests done with Medintu to monitor your health well and stay on top of things when it comes to treatment of a chronic condition you may suffer from.

BUN Test Price


₹280 Rs.149

What are Blood Urea and Nitrogen?

Blood urea and nitrogen tests are done to check the level of urea in the blood. Urea is essentially a substance produced after the breakdown of proteins and is rightly called a waste product of protein metabolism in the body. Levels of blood urea and nitrogen can help indicate tissue breakdown in the body, and increased levels also indicate impaired disposal of these metabolites.

Elevation of urea in the blood can lead to increased symptomatology related to chronic kidney and liver diseases. It is an alarm bell for the physician that the condition is worsening. Regulated blood urea and nitrogen tests can be a useful way to keep tabs on your condition.

Why Choose Medintu?

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NABL & ICMR Certified labs


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Why Choose Medintu for a BUN Test at Home?

Medintu Health Solutions is an emerging name in the medical services portal industry that aims to provide affordable healthcare services at home. Our team consists of experienced healthcare professionals who provide services like home blood collection, nursing care, home doctor visits, and online consultations. Medintu is partnered with leading laboratories that are equipped with state-of-the-art and latest technologies for fast processing, accuracy, and the best quality of tests. There are regular quality checks, constant updates in the laboratory, and reviews of procedures. The Medintu team coordinates with the laboratory to smooth the entire process, from sample collection to the updating of reports.

Once you have made an online appointment at the Medintu website for the BUN test, our team of phlebotomists and qualified technicians will collect the sample in the safety of your home right away. After the processing of the sample is done at the laboratory,the results are updated immediately on your Meditu account, and a copy of the reports is also sent through the mail. Medintu is a complete health care service provider trusted by customers all over India. Come and experience our exclusive and affordable diagnostic services.


Procedure for Bun Test:

The BUN test can be easily done from the comfort of your home with online medical service portals such as Medintu.

  1. Book an appointment with a trusted online medical service portal like Medintu. On successful booking, a phlebotomist will reach your home at the designated time.
  1. If there are instructions for fasting or avoiding certain kinds of food or beverages,kindly follow them to get the best results.
  1. Once the phlebotomist reaches your place,he will provide you with some instructions for the test and take out all the items he needs to safely withdraw the blood, such as an alcohol swab, a tourniquet, and so on, to start the process of sample collection.
  1. As a first step,the phlebotomist ties a tourniquet around the person’s arm. The veins pop up, and the phlebotomist palpates the best vein on the arm for withdrawing the blood. Normally, a vein called the median cubital vein at the inner hinge of the arm is chosen for withdrawing blood.
  1. The site where the phlebotomist will puncture the vein to withdraw blood is cleaned with alcohol. Then the phlebotomist inserts the needle into the desired vein and slowly pulls back the syringe to fill it with blood withdrawn from the vessel.
  1. Once blood is withdrawn in sufficient quantity, the syringe is removed, and the blood is transferred to tiny plastic containers called vacutainers for storage and transport.
  1. Compression is applied over the puncture site with cotton, and a small sticker is placed at the site of the prick to prevent any ooze of blood and contamination.
  1. The collected blood is put in a grey, red, or purple vacutainer based on the preservative required.
  1. Once the blood is collected, it is stored and sent to a lab for processing.
  1. Once the sample reaches the lab,it may take 24-48 hours to generate the report.

Symptoms of Blood Urea and Nitrogen:

The following symptoms may be seen in a person with elevated blood urea and nitrogen levels:

  1. Altered sensorium or altered consciousness
  2. Tremors, especially what are known as flapping tremors.
  3. Urea breath
  4. Poor tone of the limbs
  5. Nausea
  6. Fatigue
  7. Loss of appetite
  8. Itching
  9. Weight Loss

These are some of the symptoms that can be seen in a person due to an elevation of blood urea and nitrogen. Any of these symptoms in a person with chronic disease is a warning sign for urgent care by a physician.

Blood Urea Nitrogen Test

What should I do after the results of my BUN test?

Once the results of the BUN test are available to you, visit your doctor with the reports so that he can interpret them and decide on the further course of treatment and management of your condition.


The value of BUN is a variable that depends on gender,age, dehydration, and sometimes may also be affected by medications such as antibiotics and diuretics. The normal range is as follows:
Men: 8 to 24 mg/dL
Women: 6 to 21 mg/dL
1 to 17-year-old children: 7 to 20 mg/dL

BUN can be raised under several conditions, such as:

  1. Dehydration
  2. Increased age
  3. Burns
  4. Kidney dysfunction
  5. Urinary tract infection
  6. Kidney failure
  7. Excessive protein intake
  8. Gastrointestinal bleed

Low levels of BUN can be due to

  1. Liver failure
  2. Low-protein diet or malnutrition
  3. Fluid overload
  4. Certain antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol

The cost of a BUN test varies from 100 to 500 rupees depending on the area,the doctor,the laboratory, and so on.

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Plot 470 & 471, Northeast Avenue Building 1st-floor,Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500081


+919100907036, +919100907622