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COVID 19 Home Care Tips | What steps you need take while you are in Home Quarantine


As per the advisory & guidelines from government to Indian ministry of Health patients with mild COVID infection can be managed at home only with systematic control medication & with proper care are know that Covid-19 70 to 80 per cent infections would be mild you will get better in few days or few weeks’ time your doctor will give you the excellent treatment take care of the symptoms & help you get letter fast.

Here are talking about other aspects, which will chance covid19 speedy recovery.

  • Take proper rest but do maintain a daily routine.
  • Get up on time shower once or twice daily & change your clothes daily and maintain a level of activity.
  • Move about 10 to 15 minutes 2 to 3 times in your room every day; it will keep you refreshed.
  • The diet should be easy to digest but should contain required nutrients. 
  • Do not take liquid & water cannot be overemphasised about 3 to 4 litres of water & drinks, water, tea, coffee, juice etc.,
  • Fruits that contain Vitamin C, Seasonal fruits, this are beneficial for your recovery also you can have Turmeric, Ginger, Honey. It helps to boost your immunity system.

Relax don't take stress

 Precaution to cure of Covid-19 Infection

During Covid-19 Infection, the central organ is focused on the lungs to keep our lungs good shape do the two things 

  • Try to lie down to tummy.
  • Lie down on the stomach will improve & open up the lungs in the back of the chest where the most part lung is lying & improves organisation.
  • Do breathing exercise with a spirometer or use the blowing the balloon it will help to keep your lungs in good shape.
  • Because of Covid-19 infection, your throat may feel irritated & sometimes even pain to relieve the pain & improves the irritation and also to reduce the viral loud into your throat secretions. Use Betadine for throat gargles make a solution of 1: 3 dilations Betadine & loop warm water gargle it for 1 minute by the watch.
  • Keep yourself mentally very strong during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Things to have with you while you are in Home Quarantine 

  • When you are at home quarantine, you need a pulse oximeter. It has used to measure a pulse rate & oxygen in your blood.
  • Keep the infrared thermometer to check the temperature, keep the record of your symptoms as a record so you can know how your body is behaving.
  • Stop watching the fake news on TV & spend time with friends & family listen to music this help in speedy recovery.

 Home Quarantine

Warning Symptoms

  • Persists Fever >101 F for three days
  • Pulse rate > 110/min SP02 on Room air <95%
  • Systolic Blood pressure < 80 mmHg
  • Dehydration
  • Dark Coloured urine
  • Severe Abdominal pain confusion

If you are facing these problems, please connect the doctor immediately.

Surface Disinfection

Take care of a few things, which you should 

  • Leave your room except for medical care.
  • Discontinue room quarantine unless advised.
  • Do not share utensils, Towels & Bedding.
  • Shake hands or Hugs

Explained by the Dr. Sushila Kataria

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