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Nursing Care for Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the cervix that is present in the lower part of the uterus. It is usually caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection that can be prevented by vaccines and PaP tests. Medintu provides the best at home nurses for patients suffering from cervical cancer. Medintu has tied up with top clinics and diagnostic centers to provide radiology support and nursing care for cervical cancer patients. Medintu also aims to provide a suitable nursing care plan for its patients.We also provide a 24/7 customer support and online booking through our online portal. 

What is Cervical Cancer?

Most cervical malignancies are caused by various strains of the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection (HPV). HPV infection is relatively standard, but only some strains are responsible for causing cancer, like HPV 18,16,33,45, to name a few. Other factors like poor care of genitals, repeated infections, and immunosuppression can also result in cancers.

The cervix is the narrow structure that joins the uterus to the vagina. It is the junction where the cells lining the uterus change into the cells lining the vagina, making it a transition zone. This transition zone is especially susceptible to cancer of the cervix.

Most cervical malignancies are caused by various strains of the human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted infection (HPV). HPV infection is relatively standard, but only some strains are responsible for causing cancer, like HPV 18,16,33,45, to name a few. Other factors like poor care of genitals, repeated infections, and immunosuppression can also result in cancers

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Symptoms for Cervical Cancer:

Not many symptoms are seen when the cancer is in its nascent stage. However, when it starts growing, the following symptoms may be seen.

  1. Bleeding during intercourse
  2. Bleeding between menstruation
  3. Fatigue
  4. Bleeding after reaching menopause
  5. Blood-tinged or smelly vaginal discharge
  6. Pain during sexual activity.
  7. Pain during urination or increased frequency of urination.
  8. Itching in the vagina

Risk Factors For Cervical Cancer:

There are several risk factors for cervical cancer.

  1. Sexual activity from a young age: Early adolescent sexual activity raises the risk of HPV infection and other STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, or HIV/AIDS.
  2. Sexual promiscuity. Having multiple sexual partners or having intercourse with someone with multiple sexual partners can increase the risk of genital tract infections.
  3. A compromised immune system. An HPV infection by a high-risk HPV virus is more likely to cause cancer in immunodeficient individuals. One could be immuno-compromised due to various conditions such as diabetes mellitus, chronic immunodeficiency diseases, HIV infection, etc.
  4. Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of squamous cell cervical cancer.
  5. Using oral contraceptive pills for over five years. Oral contraceptives may put you at a higher risk of developing adenocarcinoma, a specific type of cervical cancer,
  6. If the mother used diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy, the daughter has an increased risk of clear cell adenocarcinoma.

One can reduce the risk of cervical cancer by undergoing regular PAP screening exams and taking an HPV vaccine like Gardasil or Cervivax, which is available in hospitals near you.

The IAP recommends vaccination for males and females from 11-13 years up until 26 years of age to protect against infection by the high-risk HPV virus.

Additionally, following safe sex practices, avoiding sexual promiscuity, and using condoms can greatly reduce the risk of HPV and other infections.

How does Cervical Cancer Come about?

Cervical cancer develops due to DNA alterations (mutations) in healthy cervix-basal cells due to either infections or environmental influences. The genetic material of the cell controls all functions of the cell, including multiplication, survival, and death. The mutations direct the cells to grow and multiply irregularly while sustaining their function. 

As the abnormal cells build up, a mass forms (tumor). Cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and separate from tumors to spread to other bodily regions. The spread of cancer is called metastasis. Metastasis can occur through blood or lymphatics or even direct spread.

HPV causes cancer by producing certain proteins inhibiting the cell cycle and making it immortal without checks on its multiplication. Most HPV-positive individuals never go on to develop cancer. The finding indicates that in addition to genetics, your environment and lifestyle choices also have a role in determining whether you’ll get cervical cancer.

Types of Cervical Cancer:

The types of cervical cancer are:

Your type of cervical cancer influences your prognosis and course of therapy. The most prevalent forms of cervical cancer are:

1. Squamous Cell Carcinoma: It is the carcinoma of the squamous cell. These thin, flat cells (squamous cells) are pavement cells lining the outer portion of the cervix that extends into the vagina. Squamous cell carcinomas make up the majority of cervical malignancies.

2.Adenocarcinoma: The column-shaped epithelial cells that line the cervical canal are where this kind of cervical cancer develops.

Both types of cells can occasionally get involved in cancer of the cervix.

How to Reduce Risk of Cancer of Cervix?

  1. Consult your Doctor on the HPV vaccine: Vaccinating against HPV may lower your risk of developing cervical cancer and other malignancies linked to HPV. Consult your doctor to determine when and if you should receive the HPV vaccine.
  2. Have Pap exams every year: Pap smear exams can identify precancerous abnormalities in the cervix. Regular pap smear exams allow for the monitoring of lesions or the start of treatment to prevent aggravation of cervical cancer. The World Health Organisation advises starting routine Pap tests at age 21 and having them repeated every few years.
  3. Safe sex: take steps to avoid STDs, such as using a condom when you have sex, practicing monogamy, and maintaining genital hygiene; you can lower your risk of developing cervical cancer.
  4. Avoid Smoking: Stop smoking if you didn’t already. If you currently smoke, discuss methods to stop smoking with your doctor.

How to Treat Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer can be treated in various ways depending on the size of the lesion and its depth of invasion of cancer.

  1. Electrocautery can be done to remove small cancers present above the basement membrane.
  2. Cryotherapy can be done to freeze the lesion so we can prevent it from growing.
  3. Trachelectomy or cervix removal can be done for very small cancers.
  4. For larger tumors, The surgeon can remove the entire reproductive tract, and chemotherapy can be given.
  5. Doctors may also give for some other tumors, radiation therapy.

There is usually a good prognosis following treatment for cervical cancer.

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With early diagnosis through regular checkups, thoroughly investigating the whole body for any signs of spread can help decide on the course and choice of therapy for cancer.

CT, there are no particular vaccines for cervical cancer; however, HPV vaccines are coming to play an important role in the prevention of cancer in women of reproductive age groups.

These drugs work by inhibiting the cell cycle, thus causing cancer cell death. Sometimes even healthy cells, particularly in regions where they multiply fast, may undergo slowing and death, such as the gastrointestinal tract.

You can approach any good medical services platform like Medintu for further help and contact customer care to guide you through booking nursing care for cancer cervix patients.

Cervical cancer comes into existence due to factors that have origins in genetics and the environment. So having someone with cervical cancer in the family can increase your risk of the same but does not guarantee you are getting cancer.

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