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What is the Influenza vaccine?

Influenza vaccine

Influenza vaccine is an intermuscular injection that protects you from three or more influenza viruses. 


What are the different types of Influenza vaccine?

The most important thing you have to know about the influenza vaccine is that it is one of the most dynamic vaccines available. It changes every year because of new antigenic variations produced by antigenic drift, which means the Vaccine you received for last year’s outbreak does not protect you from this year’s attack. 

There are currently two types of Influenza Vaccines available.

1) Inactivated influenza vaccine (flue short)

2) Live attenuated influenza vaccine (nasal spray)


Inactivated influenza vaccine: 

These vaccines are developed by growing the influenza virus in embryonated chicken eggs. Concentrating the variations and then Chemically inactivating them by disrupting the envelope with the detergents and partially purifying Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase protein. The result will be given as an injection. As the process involves eggs, it causes zero problems to egg-allergic people as long as they observed in a health Care Center.

  • The flu shot is an intermuscular injection that often occurs in the deltoid muscle. The vaccine shot is also given as an intradermal injection.
  • It is easily assessable, and also, this is a low risk of complication.
  • The flu shot is also called an inactivated influenza Vaccine.
  • It is inactivated because the virus that we used in this Vaccine is effectively killed, and it won’t be able to replicate in humans, and as a result, this is no infection. 

Can you get infected with the inactivated influenza vaccine?

No, inactivated virus cant replicate, and it cannot reproduce, so there will be no infection.

Who is recommended for an Inactivated influenza vaccine?

  • People with weak immunity system.
  • Age > 6 months.
  • Hiv positive patents. 
  • Organ transplanted (Immuno suppressed) 
  • Inactivated Influenza vaccine in pregnancy is recommended because of low immunity power.
  • Diabetic people.
  • Asthma patients.
  • People with Kidney related problem.
  • Close contact with Immunosuppressed people.

Live attenuated influenza vaccine:

A genetic assortment makes attenuated influenza master strains with the sessional Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase geans. That’s why the body can see the seasonal Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase geans, but the infection can’t get out of hand because the virus is attenuated or weakened.

  • As the name says, it is sprayed through the Nose.
  • The Nasal spray is some times called a live attenuated influenza vaccine. The Term Attenuated means Altered because the virus used in this Vaccine is changed (alive)
  • The changes in this virus make it weaker, so when healthy people, their immune system can still defend the virus and produce the antibodies.
  • In future, if the vaccinated patient is exposed to a healthier version of the same virus, Their immune system will remember how to defend against the virus, and the patient can quickly recover from infection.
  •  The master strain is grown in cold temperatures so that it evolves as the replicate Only in the Colder climate of the nasal respiratory tract, so that’s why this Vaccine is a nasal spray.
  • This Vaccine is showing diseased efficacy in the fast few seasons.

Can you get full bone influenza illness from the Attenuated form?

In most cases, the answer is likely no. Our immune systems are strong enough to defend against this weakened virus, But there is some risk in this Vaccination.

Who is recommended for a live attenuated influenza vaccine?

Experts recommend that People from 2 years to 49 years with a healthy immune system can use Vaccine as they observed in a health Care Center.

What antibodies target? 

Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase are the main episode proteins of the virus, so the antibodies target those. Hemagglutinin antibodies are the most important in preventing viral entry into our cells because they bind to the Sialic acid. We Can also measure the serum antibody responses to the influenza vaccine using Serum Hemagglutinin inhibition (HAI) assay.

What is the Trivalent influenza vaccine:

This type of influenza vaccine contains Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase Components from two subtype

  • influenza A (H1N1 and H2N3)
  • influenza B

What is the Quadrivalent influenza vaccine:

This type of influenza vaccine is designed to protect mainly from two kinds of virus.

  • Two influenza A
  • Two influenza B

What are the side effects of the influenza vaccine?

Any vaccine in the world have some side effects and for the influenza vaccine. Live attenuated influenza vaccine has temporary side effects listed below.

  • Reactions like high fever, weakness
  • Allergy
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Hoarseness or wheezing
  • Swelling around the eyes or lips
  • Hives
  • Paleness
  • Weakness
  • A fast heartbeat or dizziness

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