MRI for Knee joint in Hyderabad
The knee joint is one of the body’s most significant and crucial weight-bearing parts. It is stabilized with several ligaments, 11 to be exact, and has several vital structures which lubricate the joint like synovial fluid, cartilage, etc. Any of these structures, if damaged, lead to destabilization and pain in the joint accompanied by swelling. All these structures are best visualized on an MRI scan.
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What can an MRI scan help detect?
It can help detect the following conditions
- Ligament tear
- Gout
- Osteoarthritis
- Structural abnormalities
- Osteochondritis
- Fusion of joint
- Septic arthritis
- Synovitis
- Pseudogout
- Fluorosis
- Fistulae
- Bursitis
These are only some of the conditions that we can detect with the help of an MRI. The results will help orthopedics and radiologists to come to a diagnosis, and the results will dictate the plan of treatment.
MRI Scan for Knee joint Cost
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Why choose Medintu for MRI?
Medintu offers the best medical service in Hyderabad as an up-and-coming online platform. At Medintu, we will get you the best deal on an MRI of the knee near you. Our commitment is to help you save money and get the best treatment. We have a straightforward user interface, so you can easily choose from the thousands of tests available online on our Medintu webpage. Any problem you face, Medintu is just one click away. Enjoy the best of medical care with Medintu.
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Is an MRI for the knee is painful?
No. The MRI of the knee is not at all painful. The machine only uses invisible magnetic waves to generate pictures of the joint space, and it does not involve the use of injections unless it is a contrast MRI.
What is a contrast MRI?
- An MRI in which a dye is injected to visualize the tissues better is called a contrast dye. When it reaches the area to be visualized, the dye highlights it on the MRI.
What precautions should I take before an MRI?
Listen to all the instructions being given by the doctors and the technicians. Also, make sure to do the following:
- Remove all metal jewelry before entering the scan machine
- Tell the doctor if you have conceived or are in the process.
- Tell the doctor if you have metal implants in your body or a pacemaker in your heart.
- Tell the doctor if you are allergic to the dye they will be using.
- Remove your hearing aid if you have one before going in for the scan.
Is there any alternative to an MRI scan of the knee?
Orthopedics often use X-rays and ultrasounds on some occasions to screen the knee for the conditions they suspect. However, these tests can only give a general idea; therefore, a more sensitive test, like an MRI scan, is required to confirm the diagnosis.